Gandhiji and Idolization of Heroes

The brave and openhearted king Ram becomes Lord Ram, Shrewd strategist, and warrior Krishna becomes Lord Krishna, and Humanitarian and benevolent Jesus becomes a son of god. Some fly on a winged horse to heaven, some walk on the water, Shivaji's vision and valor are attributed to the divine sword given to him by the goddess and some try to build the temple of Dr. Ambedkar - one of the best leaders of 20th century. Humans have this habit of idealizing someone to the extent that after some generations that someone is deemed as either god or saint. Once someone is declared a god, or saint, whatever he has done in his lifetime becomes supernatural and the masses are relieved of the responsibility to walk the path these great people had once taken. Though unknowingly, we always want to attach some miracles to the extraordinary lives of our heroes so that our own failures and immorality can be rationalized. We should look at these people as people, not gods. This is important be...