Grandma and the Dr. Pandurang Kumbhar Clinic at Nagar-Munnoli

मराठीसाठी इथे क्लिक करा.

This post is a reference to my review of Google Maps. I couldn't post it all there because of the size limit. I hope that this review helps people who want to take their loved ones to Dr. Kumbhar's clinic. Original post date - January 2018. 

Original Post

I took my grandmother (85 years old, Pune) to Dr. Pandurang Kumbhar's clinic for her paralysis treatment.

My grandmother suffered a paralysis stroke on 20th Nov 2016. She just felt numbness in her right arm around dawn and waited for us to wake up. She told us that she is not able to move her right arm at all. Since she was able to speak normally, we thought it could be a temporary numbness. When even after 4 hours she was unable to move, we rushed to the hospital.

Doctors started treatment and told us that it was a paralysis stroke and 90% of her right arm and 60-70% of her right leg was paralyzed. The doctor mentioned that the earlier patients get treatment in such a case, the better they have a chance of recovery.

She spent the next 1 week in the hospital with medicines, injections, and a physiotherapist regularly working on her condition. Her condition was stable but we saw next to no improvement. She got discharged after 7 days with all the prescriptions, medicines, and physiotherapy schedules.

During this week in the hospital, my mother came to know about Dr. Pandurang Kumbhar's clinic from a WhatsApp post. We decided to take her there. Since it was a long journey, I did not take my hatchback but my cousin arranged an Innova so that she could be laid back on a mattress comfortably. We started from home on Saturday at around 10.30PM. We reached Nagarmunnoli via Kolhapur-Nippani-Chikkodi at 3.45 AM. We registered my grandmother's name at a counter at the clinic, there were around 48 patients ahead of us. We waited in the car until our number was called. Since the clinic was in a small place. I had to check every 15 minutes for our turn.

They started to attend to patients as early as 4.30 AM. Our turn came at around 7.30AM. We moved our car near to the clinic as other people who had been attended already were leaving and vacating the parking spot near the clinic. It was reserved for the ongoing numbers.

I had to carry my grandmother in my arms. Most people were using bedsheets, and rugs to carry the patients. The doctor asked questions like "How long she was sick?" "Which part of the body was paralyzed?" It was too much rush inside. There were 2-3 persons checking patients, I couldn't tell which one was Dr. Pandurang Kumbhar.
They asked us to get her blood tested. The lab was inside the clinic. We took her there. Fortunately, it had a few beds where my grandma rested and my I, mother and my uncle waited.

After 30 minutes, we went inside the clinic again. The doctor saw the reports. They (assistants) gave injections to her in the left and right hips and one in the paralyzed arm. The doctor gave a prescription and a list of things to be included and avoided from her diet. He assured me that she will be alright. Even in the chaotic clinic, his words of hope felt like a symphony. He also said that we had to bring her once every 10 days, 5 times to complete the treatment.

The fees were Rs.500. Plus Rs.400 for the blood test. The medicines were Rs.1400 which were available in the dispensary attached to the clinic. They didn't accept any debit/credit cards. We were prepared. My mother had managed the cash somehow because it wasn't a month since demonetization.

We started back around 9.30 AM and reached Pune in the evening. My grandma felt fine. She even sat with us instead of sleeping on the mattress throughout the 6-hour-long journey. In the evening, I applied the oil the doctor had prescribed and also gave her the tonics.

I am a skeptic and honestly was doubtful that we could get any positive results compared to the hospital treatment. But.. in the evening, the same day after we returned from Chikkodi, she moved her paralyzed arm. She also bent it from the elbow. It was no less than a miracle. My logical mind could not believe what I had just seen.

We took her 3 times in total before she couldn't take the long journey very well. However, we saw a significant improvement in her after each visit. She started to walk slowly, she started to move her wrist and fingers and could apply gentle pressure to the exercise ball.

Every time they had the same 3 injections. Only the blood test wasn't done again. The doctor changed her oils and tonics each time. I should also mention that we continued with the medicines given in the hospital along with Dr.Kumbhar's medicines. We also continued to visit the Hospital doctor where she was treated as soon as she suffered a stroke. Dr. Kiran Shaha at Villoo Poonawala Hospital, Hadapsar was kind and attended to my grandmother nicely. Dr. Kiran Shaha actually suggested that we should not take my grandmother to such a distant clinic which in the hope to find a cure. He believed that medicines along with physiotherapy can only improve my grandma's health. He had good intentions. Considering that my grandma had to suffer long journeys only to leave Dr.Kumbhar's treatment unfinished, Dr. Kiran Shaha's suggestions were reasonable.

I am mentioning the important points here.

0. The clinic is closed on Wednesdays. Call them to know the timings and holidays. Numbers are mentioned in one of the replies to a comment on this post.

1. Reach around 2.30-3.30 AM at the clinic. Register your name. They don't make an appointment on the phone, so you have to reach early in the morning.

2. Take the patient there in a comfortable vehicle, preferably in an ambulance. The road till Nippani is good, but after that, it's still under construction.

3. If you can manage, spend a night there. There are hotels, Lodges in Nippani which is 25-30 Km far from Nagar-Munnoli.

4. There is too much crowd at the clinic. People park their vehicles wherever they get a place on the side of the road. They check 20-30 patients per hour. Still, because of the sheer number of patients you have to wait longer if you register your name late. Reach early.

5. Toilets - The clinic has arranged a couple of them, but they are not enough. Carry tissue papers and water and use the fields around if you have to. No Shame.

6. I would suggest continuing modern medicines also along with Dr. Pandurang Kumbhar's medicines.

7. Regular massage with oils and physiotherapy is a must. My grandmother showed considerable improvement even after the first visit and kept on improving.

8. This may sound unbelievable, but during our third visit, I rented an OLA cab that had a yellow transport number plate. When we were crossing the Maharashtra-Karnataka border, we had to stop at the road tax booth on the Karnataka side. The clerk there demanded Rs.8500 (Eight thousand) to let us enter. He said that if the cab was to enter Karnataka, it had to pay tax for an entire year. We were shocked. It was 3.30 AM in the morning with my sick grandmother in the cab. We told the clerk that we are going to Nagar-Munnoli and there is an elderly patient with us. He said that if the Police stop us, it would be our responsibility. We couldn't figure out if he was messing with us. The driver chickened out saying that the Police would confiscate his cab. We had to travel back to Kolhapure (80 Km backward) and hire a Tata Sumo with a white number plate. There was a family with a similar issue and they shared the vehicle with us. It was testing time for me. I almost lost my cool to the clerk but kept it together somehow. So please check this shit before taking a yellow number plate car.

I will add some more photos of the place.

My grandma is no more. Even though we were really hopeful to see her slow but gradual improvement, her condition deteriorated when she fell off and broke her thigh bone in February 2017. She survived multiple hospitalizations and surgery. Finally, when dementia got hold of her, we lost all of our hopes and prepared our minds to let her go. She passed away on 11th August 2017. I miss her every day. The only consolation I have is the feeling that I and my mother took every possible measure to improve her condition. My grandma was a strong, independent woman with a taste for good living.

I am thankful to my close relatives who kindly gave us all the support we needed while going through this emotionally demanding year. My mother is a superhero to me. She lost not only her mother but a lifelong best friend. I wish I could be as strong as her.

Take care of your parents and grandparents. I wish your loved ones good health and peace of mind.

The original Post Ends Here

Edit - 19th June 2020
It's been more than 3 years since I have been to this clinic. I believe that a lot is changed with respect to the clinic infrastructure. It seems that the clinic has a new bigger building. Please check the Google reviews for the latest updates.

Edit - 15th October 2018
I think it is important to highlight the following comment on this post  - Unknown says -

"in last month I took my father to this place,,really horrible scenario,,,more than 300 patients plus their relatives,,,no provision of toilets,,wheel chair or stretcher,,injection given by some stupid fellow,,just like he is treating some animal. actually this injection is nothing but some B complex medicines by which your blood circulation gets boosts,,ultimately your body movements improves. this treatment you can get in your place also,,no need to rush to this fact many agents are created in these places to arrange a quick single token counter machine is simplest remedy but the management purposefully avoiding ,,situation is same as any famous temple of our country.,,"

Edit - 28th April 2018
I am getting calls from many people asking about my experiences. I am always ready to share knowledge and I don't mind attending phone calls essentially because I also have made such phone calls to people who were ready to share information.

In some of these phone calls, inevitably they ask for my opinion on whether to take their relatives to the Kumbhar clinic. I am not a doctor. I am an engineer who loved his grandmother above anything else. We did whatever we felt was right for us. In this process, my mother was the heart and I was the brain. I made sure that she gets modern medicines and treatment even when my mother started with alternate medicines. I also was in contact with the doctors in the hospitals where she was admitted multiple times.

As far as I know, each patient can show different symptoms and varying degrees of severity. Please make sure you get the advice of trusted doctors always.

Edit - 12th March 2018.
Please be aware that most of the doctors who practice modern medicines do not believe in Dr. Pandurang Kumbhar's treatment. Please read the comments on this post. One of the comments is from Dr. Deshpande and it is really informative.

My intention in this post is to make the readers aware of the logistics if at all they want to take their relatives to this clinic. I can no way confirm whether it really works. My grandmother was being treated with modern medicines, physiotherapy, and also our care for her. One cannot tell exactly what worked and whatnot. Please take the advice of your trusted doctors before putting effort to take your relatives to Nagar Munnoli. It's not a simple journey considering the condition of the patient.
Thank you.


  1. Your post is very helpful
    I believe your grandmother is very proud of you and is always blessing you

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
    1. Thank you Sneha for the kind words. It means a lot to me.

      I wish our people have open mind towards these alternative medicines and strive to make them available easily for all after thorough investigation of their healing potency.

  2. Please send me contact number of that hospital. Need to check if its open.

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
  3. Hello CHE,
    Here are few numbers which you can use to check the timings.
    This number is there on the prescription - (08338)284412
    This number is the clinic's lab - 09901624744
    This number is clinic's dispensary - 09902793221
    This number is on their Google Map Reviews page - 02172282255

    I hope these numbers are useful. It's been a year since I have last contacted them.
    Please keep in mind that as far as I know, they don't take appointments on phone.
    The clinic is closed on Wednesdays.

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
  4. Dear sir,
    You have been a victim of the belief that your grandmother has improved due to the medicine of this doctor who is actually a quack, as have been thousands of others in this region. Actually it is the natural course of the condition  (call it paralytic stroke). This improvement starts as the 'stunned nerve cells' surrounding the permanently damaged or dead nerve cells (dead due to stoppage of blood supply) start functioning as body mechanisms improve blood supply to that region. This is a purely natural phenomenon that happens in about 80% of such cases. It starts in a couple of days after the initial episode and goes on for the next few months. In most cases 80% or more functional improvement takes place. There is no proven medicine that hastens the process.  Any treatment taken in this period will lead to the belief that your medicine is working and the doctor is 'good'. Even If you had not given any medicine  (allopathic or alternative), you would have seen the same improvement.  Those remaining 20% would remain in same state or deteriorate and die (some of which could have benefited by brain surgery).
    I am a practicing physician in the same region and seeing the 'results' of this 'doctor ' and it confirms to the above mentioned effects.This guy is actually giving B complex injections  (earlier he used to give them to be taken at home with the labels removed!). Many of his patients were actually having brain tumour or bleed who could have benefited by brain surgery but lost valuable time in believing in his 'results'.
    Most of the patients  (and their relatives) trust him so much that they stop all modern medicine including that for Diabetes and Hypertension which are risk factors for the same condition.
    Those who do not improve or die blame their fate (and not the doctor)! This I admit is an amazing achievement by this Dr Pandurang Kumbhar. 
    My aim in writing such a long article is to open your eyes and avoid sending more patients to this quack.

    Dr D.P. Deshpande.  MD Medicine.

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
    1. Dear Sir,

      Thank you for your comment.
      I understand your point. I myself was against visiting this clinic. It is too far from Pune and my grandmother's Doctor also advised us not to take her there. Still, my mother insisted and we went.

      I was stunned to see that my grandmother's paralysed arm started movement just after we reached Pune from NagarMunnoli.

      If it was the natural course, it was an amazing coincidence that it chose that time.

      My intention of this post is not to spread superstitions. Many folks decide to visit the place because someone recommends them to go there. Sometimes even the patient insists to take him/her there. It's just a hope of cure and peer pressure I think.

      My intention of this post is to make those people aware of the logistics if at all they want to go there. As I experienced, it's lot of trouble to visit the Kumbhar clinic for the patient as well as the relatives.

      Having said that, I deeply appreciate your comment because it will be helpful to the people to decide whether to visit the clinic.
      It definitely assists my post in spreading information.
      The way I see it, if we educated people do not talk about it, whether it is quackery or otherwise, more and more uninformed souls will have to experience it themselves to know what is it actually.

      I will be more happy if doctors such as yourself come ahead and demand a proper investigation of this to put an end to any malpractices in the region.

    2. अनामित१४ मे, २०१८

      Even my brother from kolhapur Said that he is been giving B complex injections but why would he inject b complex 3times in three different parts of body.

      Akshay Nikam

    3. in last month I took my father to this place,,really horrible scenario,,,more than 300 patients plus their relatives,,,no provision of toilets,,wheel chair or stretcher,,injection given by some stupid fellow,,just like he is treating some animal. actually this injection is nothing but some B complex medicines by which your blood circulation gets boosts,,ultimately your body movements improves. this treatment you can get in your place also,,no need to rush to this fact many agents are created in these places to arrange a quick single token counter machine is simplest remedy but the management purposefully avoiding ,,situation is same as any famous temple of our country.,,

    4. Dear Unknown,

      Thank you for your valuable information. Please update your contacts if possible, so that other people can also get help from your experience.

  5. Hi!! My dad got a brain hamrage and parylatic stroke on 13th Feb this yr.
    We are planning to take him to Dr kumbhar. My dad is 69yrs.
    Need to know what kind of treatment is this as in do they give medicines or injections or any theropy, exersises??
    How long does it take for 1 patient . I m from pune and planning to go in the last week of this month.please guide me or share your contact details.

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
    1. Hi,
      My contact number is 99233 19438. You can ping me on whatsapp. Please read all the comments as well.

    2. ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.

    3. Hi Unknown, have you been able to take your father to Dr.Kumbhar? Even my father had the same attack & we are also planning for this visit from Pune. Please share the latest contact details of the clinic or any logistic experiences you had. You can pls share your watsapp number for us to contact. Thanks & God bless you all..

  6. this is inspiring article for every one.many of them dint share their experience,but you had done it...even my dad was paralysed last 11 years back I used advanced healing & organic remedies to reverse it...he was in semi comma,but now he is 80 % fit & fine age 72 right now. active n manage his own activities.but still left hand sint had improvement completely...but healing technology had helped that he dint have second attack again ....DR.JITENDRA PARMAR MUMBAI9022924767

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
  7. Very informative and well written post! Quite interesting and nice topic chosen for the post Nice Post keep it up.Excellent post.Thanks for your great and helpful presentation I like your good service.I always appreciate your post.
    dr jay new york

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
  8. Very informative, my mother got paralysis attack 7 months back, her left arm & leg were paralysed but with medicine & physiotherapy her leg recovered but her arm still not recovered. She was very active person but due to this she is very depressed.She is 70 years old.

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
  9. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing your experience. My Uncle has suffered a stroke 5 months back and his whole left side is paralysed even his swallowing and speech is affected, since last 5 months his condition has not improved much, still his swallowing ability is not improved he is bed ridden we are trying everything from physiotherapy to all medicines and care required but still not much progress is seen hence we are planning to take him to nagar munoli. Just want to know whether Dr. Pandhurang attains a old case like one of my uncle.

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
  10. My wife Jaya suffering from transverse Myletics about 2 years. From 1.5 year's she does not stand on foot, allopathy, aurvedic,homeopathic, acupuncture, physiotherapy all treatments done but she doesn't give the relief. Can at this hospital she take treatment?

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
    1. Dear Sir,
      I do not have medical expertise to comment on whether anyone should take treatment in the above mentioned clinic. Best way is that you directly call the Kumbhar clinic or consult your doctors. Sorry that I am not much helpful in this regard. For most it's a matter of faith I suppose. I am not sure anyone would decisively advice whether you should or should not go to this clinic.

    2. Hi unknown, how is ur wife now? Did you visit this place? Even I am thinking to take my dad to this place.

    3. Im also paralysis patient and i also went there 6 tie but no improvement
      after rading the review it semsdoctor there is repeaT the line which is patient need to come for 5 times for full recovery and same line doctor says to almost all patient and in hope family also tale patient for 5 time im also one of them so i visited for 6 times hoping tjat in6 th settingi may improve but no result so if you rin mumbai will siggest go to doctor manish londhe at docyard road whicj i s near compare to nippani and doctor has positive results

  11. how to reach this place by train , from Mumbai , nearest Rly station ?

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
    1. Dear Mahesh,
      As far as I know, there is no railway station at convenient distance from NagarMunnoli.
      Taking a separate vehicle is always better.

    2. Try ayurvedic panchkarma treatment there is hospitial in jalandhar doctor dassans he gives assurity that patoent will get recover completely it is in alandhar

  12. My father 83 years old suffered brain stroke on 22nd october 2018 and his right hand and leg is paralyzed. He can't speak. And nasal feeding has to be done. He is a chronic diabetes and BP patient. We stay in Mumbai. He is still bed ridden. Can we take him to this place? PL help how to go about. We are very confused.

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
    1. Dear Unknown
      Sorry to hear about your father's situation.
      I would suggest that you consider the travel efforts. Also, take your doctor's advise. If you want, call Kumbhar Clinic and explain them your father's condition to know if it is feasible to take him there.
      Take care.

  13. Really thankful to you.will be taking my father to dr.kumbhar clinic as his condition become stable.

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
  14. My mother is subacute subdural heamotoma so I should go to kumbhar pandurang hospital nagarmunnoli, karanataka , please suggest me what you to do.

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
  15. Hi

    My mom got recent Stoke can any one tell me while taking treatment patient has to stop prescribed medication from neurologist

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
  16. Sometime few educational blogs become very helpful while getting relevant and new information related to your targeted area. As I found this blog and appreciate the information delivered to my database.
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    उत्तर द्याहटवा
  17. Ashish... I must say your post has helped me big time. My father suffered stroke 4 months back and wasn't showing any recovery with allopathy medicine and therapy, reading your experiences helped me understand why and how I needed to take him there. After 3 injections so far my father has atleast managed to start walking with our support which seemed like a distant reality seeing his situation back then. Considering the distance and fatigue it results in for going there though we are trying to avoid any further visit but probably still visit even if gap is more than 10 days as he gets better. I am also planning to get him the complex B injections at some near by clinic if that's what is being really used in treating patient(as long as it won't have a side effect).i happen to saw the label of one of their injections(out of two) which is biotax500 MG but not sure if he also adds something in it to give it to patients, however if there are no side effects to it, there is no harm in trying that I believe.

    Anyways, your experience helped me a lot and I want to thank you for the same.

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
    1. Dear Unknown,
      Could you please share your contact (mob/email) here so that people can get more info?

    2. Sure,my name is kamal and i am available through whatsapp on 7303615195 for any information/help to anyone.

  18. Hello sir,
    I wanted to take my brother in law to nagarmunoli....his left side is paralysis...after stroke attack his paralysis, here we done stroke operation. After that his left leg n hand not moving....I wanted to know this place is good for him....what will do doctor exactly, he will give medicine monthly basis or we have to stay continue their only....

    Madhukar 9619350888

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
  19. Hello sir,
    I wanted to take my uncle to nagarmunoli....his left side is paralysis...after stroke attack his paralysis. After that his left leg n hand not moving....I wanted to know this place is good for him....what is the exact address and number.


    उत्तर द्याहटवा
  20. Hello
    My father also suffered from brain hammerage in last year.Due to some tissue damage doctors suggested to do surgery but still his right hand side is paralyze so could please give your review that should we visit this clinic or not

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
  21. Please update phone numbers
    Which one number is there not connected

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
  22. Such a very useful article. Very interesting to read this article.I would like to thank you for the efforts you had made for writing this awesome article. khaosan clinic

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
  23. ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
  24. Hi m ashish Mankar from mumbai suffering from paralysis cannot one reply plzzz

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
  25. प्रत्युत्तरे
    1. For mumbai patient will suggest please take patient to doctor manish londheat mazgaon outside dock yard station treatment is same her as doctor kunmbhar

    2. Can u please give address or any contact number?

  26. Hi my name is ashish I am taking treatment from dr pandurang kumbhar can any one tell how many visits are required to get relief

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
  27. Hi, I have visited this place on 3rd SEP 2020. I have few opinion.
    1. Treatment for all patients is same irrespective of impact of attack.
    2. 90% patients go there who can walk or sit on wheel chair category.
    3. 5 doctors treat patients at a time so in 1 hours 30 patients get treated approx.
    4. All are in hurry, to cover maximum patients.
    5. People's who reaches there early they will get token. Token issued upto 70 nos only post that you have to stand in line for token.
    6. I reached at 2AM & got token number 48.
    7. Charges - 500 registration + 500 injection + 1000 blood test first time visitor + medical approx 1800
    8. Nearby hotel is there for snacks it opens at 7 am in morning.
    9. Treatment is common for all, it suits or not suits it depends on patient luck.
    10. You have to gather in reception they will call by names against token number & u have to take patients
    11. Treatment for patients starts at 6.30 am
    12. Token issuing / case paper start at 4.30 am

    Betterment of patients relatives try everything without understanding facts.....

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
  28. My wife suffered a brain stroke in April 2015 at China and was hospitalized there. She was on oxygen 24/7, liquid intake through nasal tube, catheter and unable to move or recognize people and stared blankly at the ceiling. This was her third stroke and quite severe. She was paralysed on the left side. Earlier ones were mild and she was on blood thinners since then. She was shifted to Hyderabad hospital in May 2016.After discharge from hospital physiotherapy was continued at home. during our stay at Hyderabad we visited Sri Vaidya Bhujangrao Memorial at Gurumatkal which is a 3 hours drive from Hyderabad and took treatment for about a year. In between we went for physiotherapy exercise at Apollo hospital, Hyderabad. We returned to Mumbai ( Place of residence) in April 2016. we have done various physiotherapy sessions at different hospitals including robotic exercises. She has also been administered injections( 3-4) every 3 to 4 days for about 1 1/2 months. She cannot move her left arm but can walk with the help of a stick with someone holding her. She takes solid food, can speak nicely without a slur. She fell down while walking on a few occasions and is afraid since then and needs support while walking. She is 71 years old and I would like to know whether there can be any further improvement after visiting Dr. Pandarung Kumbar Clinic. All suggestions are welcome

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
  29. I am glad that a lot of patients seem to have recovered at Dr. Pandurang Kumbar Hospital. However, does anyone have the prescription of what injection they actually give? My father is currently been treated for stroke which had resulted in right side paralyses. Would like to understand why the same medicine can be given anywhere else

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
    1. i have personally visited there for my father's treatment and did see some positive effects. the story is covered above.
      Not sure but i am very apprehensive that they inject Vitamin B complex(also known and available with chemists as ''eldervit'') and biotex 500 cocktel in the affected/paralytic side. Vitamin B complex promotes activity and helps nervous system with blood circulation. if you have no possibility of visiting the hospital, you could check with your Dr to confirm if you can take the said injections or not preventing any side effects if at all.

  30. Thanks for the blog!!
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    उत्तर द्याहटवा

  31. Very interesting article. Wondering about your will power. Thank you for inspiring. For more details about brain stroke treatment in Coimbatore click on this link.

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
  32. I visited इन pandurang hospital फॉर five times i वास patient but effect

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
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    उत्तर द्याहटवा
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  38. In the heart of Mumbai's fast-paced landscape, a highly esteemed Breast Cancer Oncologist is making waves with their revolutionary approach to cancer care. This specialist combines advanced medical research with meticulous surgical techniques, focusing on minimally invasive methodologies that promise quicker recovery for their patients. Their commitment to patient-centered care is evident in their dedication to ensuring that each individual feels heard, understood, and genuinely cared for throughout their treatment process. Beyond the clinic, they are a vocal advocate for breast cancer awareness, leading initiatives that emphasize the critical importance of early detection and preventive care. The Oncologist's collaboration with international cancer research forums showcases their relentless pursuit of knowledge and new treatment avenues. Their empathetic nature and exceptional medical skill set them apart as a beacon of hope for those battling breast cancer in Mumbai. Their work is not just a profession but a calling to make a real difference in the lives of their patients.

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  39. The Pancreatic Cancer Specialist in Ahmedabad stands at the forefront of medical innovation, blending cutting-edge research with compassionate, individualized patient care. Esteemed for their expertise in the field of pancreatic oncology, they provide tailored treatment plans harnessing the latest in diagnostic technology and therapeutic approaches. Their involvement in groundbreaking clinical trials offers patients access to novel treatments, marking a beacon of hope in the battle against this formidable disease. This specialist’s holistic approach to care encompasses not just the medical but also the emotional and nutritional needs of their patients, affirming their position as a pillar of support within Ahmedabad's medical community. Dedicated to advancing the treatment of pancreatic cancer, their work embodies a profound commitment to enhancing patient outcomes and quality of life.

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  40. A Breast Cancer Oncologist in Pune is a highly trained medical professional specializing in the diagnosis and non-surgical treatment of breast cancer. These oncologists are proficient in various treatment modalities, including chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy. They utilize advanced diagnostic tools to detect cancer at its earliest stages and develop comprehensive, individualized treatment plans. Collaborating closely with surgeons, radiologists, and other healthcare providers, they ensure an integrative approach to patient care. Emphasizing patient education and support, they guide individuals through every phase of their cancer journey. Their commitment to ongoing research and evidence-based practice aims to improve patient outcomes and advance breast cancer treatment.

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  42. Smile Pro Eye Surgery in Delhi is an innovative, minimally invasive vision correction procedure that utilizes advanced femtosecond laser technology to achieve precise incisions. This technique minimizes discomfort and significantly reduces recovery times, making it a preferred option for many patients. Renowned for its safety and effectiveness, Smile Pro delivers exceptional visual outcomes, earning high levels of patient satisfaction. Delhi's leading eye clinics are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and staffed by highly trained ophthalmologists. Patients receive comprehensive evaluations, personalized treatment plans, and dedicated post-operative care. With numerous positive testimonials and a strong success rate, Smile Pro Eye Surgery is a top choice for superior eye care in Delhi. Its accessibility and affordability additionally enhance its appeal to those seeking cutting-edge vision correction solutions.

    उत्तर द्याहटवा
  43. Lasik Eye Surgery is a popular procedure designed to correct refractive vision issues by reshaping the cornea using precise laser technology. Performed at leading medical institutions such as AIIMS and Fortis Hospital in Delhi, the surgery ensures the highest standards of safety and efficacy. The entire process takes about 15 to 30 minutes and is known for minimal discomfort and rapid recovery times. Patients often experience significant improvements in vision clarity shortly after surgery, greatly reducing or eliminating the need for corrective eyewear. Comprehensive pre- and post-operative care tailored to individual needs ensures optimal outcomes. Lasik Eye Surgery in Delhi combines advanced medical technology with expert ophthalmologists, making it a preferred option for those seeking effective and lasting vision correction.

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  47. Dr. Raghvendra Ramdasi is recognized as one of the best neurosurgeons in Mumbai, with his practice extending to the suburban area of Mira Road.

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  48. This blog provides valuable information on choosing the Best Physiotherapist in Ahmedabad ! At Vigor Physiocare, we strive to offer expert physiotherapy services for pain relief, rehabilitation, and overall wellness. Our experienced team uses advanced techniques to ensure effective recovery. If you're looking for top-quality physiotherapy care, feel free to reach out to us!

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