Witnessing history as it happens.

Saturday, 3rd September 2016. A small dot on the world map. It's been a few weeks since I arrived in Singapore. I must have heard about Singapore first time while my history lessons. The place where Subhash Chandra Bose took command of the Indian National Army. In later years I heard more and more about this small dot. Most of it was from my friends who had been here. Also, my mother visited Singapore a few years ago during her Thai-Malay-Singapore tour. I knew that Singapore is a garden city and a financial hub of South East Asia. Yes, all that I have heard is true. It's a beautiful global city. Awe-inspiring skylines, disciplined people, excellent public transport - obvious signs of a developed nation. I wasn't surprised. Perhaps you wouldn't be amazed if it isn't your first time in a developed nation. Thanks to a segment in one of the Marathi dailies, Sakal, I have coined a term for this obvious and rather uninteresting travel experience as "The Muktape...