Mail To Team on International Yoga Day
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Today seemed like a good day to share a thought with you all.
I once went out with few friends for a dinner. We were having a nice time. One of the friends mentioned that he wasn't really happy about how his manager treated him. He said that he was not working at his full capacity and was only putting in 30%-40% work because he wanted to make a point. I wasn't sure how to react to that.
This strategy might be useful if you are doing manual labor with no prospects of growth. However, in our case, as engineers and analysts, we are literally surrounded by opportunities and growth potential. Each hour we have can be invested in learning and improving skills. We have degrees that are recognized worldwide. He was literally modulating his efforts to punish someone in his imagination. That can serve no purpose other than sabotaging his own growth.
So should he just tolerate his manager and keep working at his best? I would say that he should take efforts to articulate his feelings, let the manager know, and go back to his full potential. In other words, there are better ways than suppressing it or passively accepting it, or letting it hamper his growth potential.
Our efforts and time are far more important to us than anyone else. My friend was leading himself into a bad habit just to make a point.
There are times in our life when we seek greener grass. We put our happiness to some point in the future. It could be anything. Material Success, your dream job, your dream vacation. We mull over how happy would I be; if I have that.
Angel Investor, Naval Ravikant says -
Over the years, I have realized one thing - you cannot put conditions on the way you feel. It is one thing to be ambitious about your goal and an entirely different thing to plan to feel and behave differently till you get what you want.
I have been reading Adam Grant's latest book 'Think Again' these days. He mentions in his book a particular SNL sketch starring Adam Sandler. Adam Sandler as a tour guide, explains how his tours cannot change the core of his customers. As an SNL fan, I had seen this sketch earlier as well, but saw it again in a new light when I read about it in 'Think Again'.
I would highly recommend this 4-minute comedy sketch to you all.
Please watch it and spend some time thinking about whether you are following some kind of behavior with expectations that you would behave differently in your 'ideal' circumstances. Are you really living in 'Now'?
As Adam Sandler says in the sketch - "That's a job for incremental lifestyle changes sustained over time". Let's be mindful of this.
I once went out with few friends for a dinner. We were having a nice time. One of the friends mentioned that he wasn't really happy about how his manager treated him. He said that he was not working at his full capacity and was only putting in 30%-40% work because he wanted to make a point. I wasn't sure how to react to that.
This strategy might be useful if you are doing manual labor with no prospects of growth. However, in our case, as engineers and analysts, we are literally surrounded by opportunities and growth potential. Each hour we have can be invested in learning and improving skills. We have degrees that are recognized worldwide. He was literally modulating his efforts to punish someone in his imagination. That can serve no purpose other than sabotaging his own growth.
So should he just tolerate his manager and keep working at his best? I would say that he should take efforts to articulate his feelings, let the manager know, and go back to his full potential. In other words, there are better ways than suppressing it or passively accepting it, or letting it hamper his growth potential.
Our efforts and time are far more important to us than anyone else. My friend was leading himself into a bad habit just to make a point.
"Yoga is a process. It’s active. It’s the way you engage with the world to create harmony. Yoga is how we participate and create relationship."
There are times in our life when we seek greener grass. We put our happiness to some point in the future. It could be anything. Material Success, your dream job, your dream vacation. We mull over how happy would I be; if I have that.
Angel Investor, Naval Ravikant says -
"Desire is a contract that you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want."
Over the years, I have realized one thing - you cannot put conditions on the way you feel. It is one thing to be ambitious about your goal and an entirely different thing to plan to feel and behave differently till you get what you want.
I have been reading Adam Grant's latest book 'Think Again' these days. He mentions in his book a particular SNL sketch starring Adam Sandler. Adam Sandler as a tour guide, explains how his tours cannot change the core of his customers. As an SNL fan, I had seen this sketch earlier as well, but saw it again in a new light when I read about it in 'Think Again'.
I would highly recommend this 4-minute comedy sketch to you all.
Please watch it and spend some time thinking about whether you are following some kind of behavior with expectations that you would behave differently in your 'ideal' circumstances. Are you really living in 'Now'?
As Adam Sandler says in the sketch - "That's a job for incremental lifestyle changes sustained over time". Let's be mindful of this.
Good habits such as saving, investing, reading, being happy around people, gratitude, charity, and putting best efforts, are those incremental changes. Be cautious if you are trying to modulate or delay any of these habits because you think you will do it later when everything is okay in your life. It seldom happens that way. We can be anywhere and have whatever, our minds will still be the same that we have nurtured over a long time. It starts with 'Now'.
P.S. - A good read on Yoga day -
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