Understanding Son of Sharmaji
What is Son of Sharmaji or "शर्माजी का बेटा"? Okay, to explain this concept, I will have to keep my political correctness in a corner for a while. Indian parents, especially in the middle class of society are by and large very competitive. They compete using their children. The definition of success of their children depends on how the neighbor’s/friend’s/brother’s/acquaintances’ children are doing. “Sharmaji ka beta” (Son of Sharmaji - SoS) is a common term we children (and future competitive parents) use for those whom with we are constantly being compared. No matter how smart you are, or how much well paid you are, there are one or several “SoS” who will be ahead of you. Parents make sure that the accomplishments of the SoS will be thrown at your face (subtly or directly) time to time. They think that it “motivates” you to do better. It is actually motivating. Most of the times, it will boost you to chase that SoS only to find another SoS running miles ahead than...